Hello everyone! I’m Spry and I’m a vendor here at Lps Fest. I sell create, art commissions, and stickers. Let's get started
Purchasing Rules and Notes:
I do pay for stamps when shipping badges, however any extra costs are on the buyer
I’m based in Canada, however all my prices are in USD due to the fact that the majority attending this convention are American. If anybody who isn't American needs help with converting prices, just contact me
If you plan on using art work you've bought/commissioned for commercial purposes,
costs will be higher. If you don’t pay the additional fees and I find that you’ve used my artwork commercially without my permission, I can and will make sure your product is taken down
I only accept money through PayPal, all other forms of payment will not be accepted
Anything physical will need to be shipped, meaning that you have to be comfortable with sharing mailing information (it doesn't matter if it's a P.O box or a regular mail box to me, both are valid)
If you are under 18, please ask parents permission (especially if you're ordering anything that needs to be shipped) before purchasing
The reason as to why prices aren't completely even (10$ vs 10.87$) is due to Pay Pal fees as if I want to get the amount I charge for (like 10$), then I need to raise the prices slighly
I'm hosting a giveaway that will be open for the duration of this convention. If you are the lucky winner, you will win:
-A free art commission of any kind! (icon, full body, or complex!)
-An exclusive lps computer/phone background featuring lps of your choice
-A character design by me
All you need to do to enter is to spread the word about my shop on Instead before 7 pm EDT, October 10 and tag me (@spry_the_artist) in your post
Art Commissions:
My art commission prices range from what you ask for
Please note that all commissions will be fully, coloured, shaded and has lighting, if you don't want to have something listed above, please list that, please also note that this doesn't change the price
Here are my categories:
Icons: 10.87$
These icons are drawings of your character at a 3/4 view that shows about 75% of their body or less. Examples of places icons can be used include: Social Media profiles, banners, and on corners of anything you can think of!
They also include a white border, though that's completely optional. If you would like to have no background, please request that I send as a transparent png
Little to no background is available if you want to keep your order as an icon commission
Complex and Fullbodies:
Full body without any scenery (aka, anything past pattern backgrounds) nor super complex designs: 16.05$ (5$ per extra character)
Anything complex (designs, scenery, 6+ characters, etc): 21.30-26.40$ (5$ per extra character)
If your order is considered complex because of it having more then 6 characters and nothing else complicated, it will be 21.30$ with the extra character charge being in place for anything past 6
Please note that complex commissions are not always going to be considered so for only full-body commissions, if a request meets all the standards if a complex commission, no matter the amount of body shown, it will be charged as such
(also note that complex commissions cost depend on the complexity of the demand, the amount of body shown is a factor)
About Fullbody commissions: Fullbody artwork include the entire body of a character, this type of artwork can be used in places such as banners, promotional art, or maybe even just as something you like to look at. And there always more options too! Like the icon commissions, full body artwork that isn't considered complex has at most a pattern background, and also has an optional white border. If you would like to have no background, please request that I send as a transparent png.
About Complex commissions, Complex artwork can range for the entire body or just a bust of the character (the artwork cuts at the shoulders). The way a request can be considered complex include the complexity of the character, anything past a pattern background, particularly complex lighting/shading, and 6 or more characters. Complex artwork can be used for the same things as full-body commissions and icon commissions can (read above). If your commission isn't complex because of background reasons, you can request the picture to be sent as a transparent png if you'd like.
Pre-made Lps Icons : 8.80$ each
The list of items available for purchase may be added to throughout the convention
These icons are premade and ready for purchase without all the hassle of going through the commision process, this also makes them cheaper
Purchasing gives you the right of usage in non-commercial ways (using it as a shop logo per example doesn’t count, but selling it as a shirt does)
White border is optional, current watermark will be removed and put in a discret place once purchased
Show the picture of which you want to buy
Items available:
Custom badge commissions: 16.05$
Custom Badges are something I’m still working on
Its where I draw something traditional in a small format on a piece of paper, cut it to shape, and laminate it, search up ’fursuit badge’ to see what I’m talking about.
Where to contact me:
@spry_the_artist or @spry_likes_lps on Instagram
spry.arts@gmail.com is my email
Spry#1676 on Discord
Hope to see you soon!